Can You Hide Orders on Amazon? Your Easy Guide

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Can You Hide Orders on Amazon? Your Easy Guide

Amazon is one of the most popular online shopping destinations, offering millions of products from various sellers. While you may want to keep your purchase history private, you might be wondering if it’s possible to hide orders on Amazon.

The short answer is yes, you can hide orders on Amazon. However, this doesn’t mean that your orders are fully hidden from view. In this section, we’ll explore the steps you can take to maintain privacy with your Amazon purchases.

To begin with, you can archive your orders to help keep them out of sight from others who may use your Amazon account. Archiving an order doesn’t delete it, but instead, it moves it to a separate archive section. This way, you can still access your order history but keep it hidden from view.

Another option is to use the “Your Orders” feature on Amazon and adjust your settings to hide the items you’ve purchased. This will remove them from the default view, but you can still find them by searching specifically for the order.

Overall, hiding your orders on Amazon is possible, but it requires a bit of effort. By following the steps we’ve outlined below, you can keep your purchase history private and protect your privacy.

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, you can hide orders on Amazon by archiving them or adjusting your settings.
  • Archiving an order doesn’t delete it but moves it to a separate archive section.
  • You can also adjust your settings to hide the items you’ve purchased from the default view.
  • Keeping your purchase history private requires some effort, but it is possible.
  • Protecting your privacy on Amazon is important, and these steps can help you do so.

How to Find Archived Orders on Amazon

As an Amazon customer, you may want to access your past orders to track what you have bought, or perhaps to reorder an item. If you have been using Amazon for a while, you may have noticed that some of your past orders disappear from your account. These orders are archived by Amazon, but don’t worry, they are not lost.

Archived orders are kept separate from your active orders, but they are still accessible. Here’s how to view archived orders on amazon:

  1. Log in to your Amazon account
  2. Click on “Returns & Orders” at the top right corner of your screen
  3. Next to “Filter by”, click on “Archived Orders”
  4. Your archived orders will now be displayed, and you can view them by clicking on any of the orders.

Alternatively, you can also find archived orders by selecting “Order History Reports” from the “Returns & Orders” drop-down menu. From there, you can download a report of your archived orders in a spreadsheet format.

It’s important to note that archived orders are only accessible to the account holder and not visible to anyone else on Amazon.

Can You Delete Archived Orders on Amazon?

One of the most frequently asked questions about Amazon’s order history is can i delete archived orders on amazon. The answer is yes, but with some limitations.

Amazon’s archived orders feature allows you to store a record of all your past orders for easy reference. However, you may decide that you don’t want some of your orders visible in your history, especially if you share your Amazon account with others.

How to Delete Archived Orders on Amazon

To delete an archived order on Amazon, follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign in to your Amazon account and select “Orders” from the menu.
  2. Locate the order you wish to delete and click on “Archive Order.”
  3. Go to “Archived Orders” and find the order you want to delete.
  4. Click on “Unarchive Order” to make the order visible again.
  5. Click on “Archive Order” once more, and a message will appear at the top of the page asking if you want to “Delete order permanently.”
  6. Click on “Delete order permanently” to remove the order from your account history.

Note that once an order is deleted permanently, it cannot be retrieved. Additionally, you cannot delete an order unless it has been archived first. If you want to keep a record of an order but don’t want it to be visible in your history, you can always archive it.

Managing Your Archived Orders on Amazon

In addition to deleting archived orders, Amazon also gives you the option to filter and sort your archived orders for easy management. You can filter your archived orders by date, order status, and whether or not they have been reviewed or rated.

Overall, managing your order history on Amazon is simple and straightforward. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily delete any archived orders you no longer want visible and keep your account history clean and private.


Q: Can you hide orders on Amazon?

A: Yes, you can hide orders on Amazon. By archiving your orders, you can keep them private and prevent them from appearing in your order history. This is a useful feature if you want to maintain privacy with your purchases on Amazon.

Q: How to find archived orders on Amazon?

A: Follow these steps for how to find archived orders on amazon: 1. Go to the Amazon website and sign in to your account. 2. Click on “Account & Lists” in the top right corner. 3. Select “Your Orders” from the dropdown menu. 4. On the “Your Orders” page, locate the “Archived Orders” button. 5. Click on “Archived Orders” to view your previously archived orders. By following these steps, you will be able to find and access your archived orders on Amazon.

Q: Can you delete archived orders on Amazon?

A: Yes, you can delete archived orders on Amazon. To delete archived orders, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Amazon website and sign in to your account. 2. Click on “Account & Lists” in the top right corner. 3. Select “Your Orders” from the dropdown menu. 4. On the “Your Orders” page, locate the “Archived Orders” button. 5. Click on “Archived Orders” to view your previously archived orders. 6. Find the specific order you want to delete and click on the “Archive Order” button next to it. 7. Confirm your decision to delete the order when prompted. By following these steps, you can effectively delete archived orders and maintain control over your order history on Amazon.

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